Friday, June 29, 2007

sneak attack

This is not Shanna quite yet as she has not yet been informed of the existence of this blog. This is Natalie, her cousin/roommate/best friend. Lydia already holds the title of cousin/best friend, so although I am no longer her roommate since running off and getting hitched, I must keep 'roommate' in the title to differentiate between Lydia and I. After having been inspired by Mike & Lydia's blog postings keeping all of us updated on the delivery of their first baby, I started writing in my blog just this week (with Emily Robinson's help - she created my blog for me). And after thoroughly discussing it with Emily, we have decided that Shanna needs to have her own blog. So I've saved her the trouble of creating the blog herself by creating it for her. Shanna, I hope you like it! This is our sneak attack.

The name of this blog came from the pleasant pairing of Shanna's first name with the word 'shenanigans.' defines shenanigans as follows:

she·nan·i·gan (shə-nān'ĭ-gən):

a. A playful or mischievous act; a prank.
b. Mischief; prankishness. Often used in the plural.

Playful? Mischievous? Prankishness? I like the sounds of all of it, and thus, Shanna's blog is born.

I love you Shanna! I miss you terribly now that I don't live across the hall from you. Vegas is a much farther walk to see your smiling face in the morning. It's hard to replace moments shared brushing our teeth together in the tiny robin-egg-blue-gas-station-style-sink in the basement of our Salt Lake house. And so I feel that blogging is a happy compromise. Share anything you like: thoughts, ramblings, venting sessions, jokes of the day, dating drama (i beg you). Pretty please with cherries on top - blog away.

Love your guts,


mikemetcalf said...

"You underestimate my sneakiness sir"

Well done Natalie! Now Lydia officially has no reason why she can't start her own blog. This stuff is contagious. Blogititis, I think they call it.

And Shanna! Can't wait to hearing about your adventures. Thanks for your visit to the hospital and the yummy snacks! I think I still have the cinnamon bear head stuck in my molars.

mikemetcalf said...

"Can't wait to hearing about your adventures". That there's sum good englush.

Lydia said...

Shanna! Or actually I think the props go to Natalie on this one, so Natalie!!

I too am just so excited to hear about the goings on of a true shannanigan, as they do sound most adventurous!

And Mike is right on, I offically have no excuse not to get my own going...but then again, I never really did have one!

I love you!!!

Shanna said...

I LOVE the Metcalfs! Thanks for being the first to officially comment on my blog! I was laughing so hard when Natalie texted me to check my email and I found that I had spontaneously become the new owner of my very own blog! Thanks gals!

Lou said...

Okay everyone,

Natalie, Lydia and whoever else was involved with putting Shanna’s blog together, great job. However, I have one objection with the whole thing. You two can hold the title as Shanna’s roommate cousin, whatever, but I LORI TANNER, currently and forever will hold the title as Shanna’s best friend. You may say, well can’t Shanna have more than one best friend and I say NO! I am a very jealous person and enjoying calling the shots in Shanna’s life.

Now you may ask, what credentials do you have for being Miss Shanna’s BFF. So I give you now the top ten reasons:

1. I went with Shanna during American Idol tryouts, trust me it was only something a best friend would do.
2. She was my maid of honor as my wedding.
3. Our mutual love for Michael Buble
4. Our mutual hatred of girls who are prettier than us
5. The countless hours I have listened to Shanna going on about a certain person, who is currently out of the country.
6. Our acceptance into the Jewish community. Mine on the west coast, Shanna’s on the east.
7. Singing show tunes together in the car, namely Wicked.
8. After my family she’s the first person I call when I am back in town
9. My appreciation of Shanna’s amazing sense of humor
10. Only a best friend would and could love someone like me with a terrible sense of direction while driving.

Banana girl,