Monday, March 24, 2008


I got this email today from my mom who got it from my uncle. I found it very interesting and believe it just might work...

Read it and pass it along if you agree!

WHERE TO BUY YOUR USA-GAS, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW. READ ON--Gas rationing in the 80's worked even though we grumbled about it. It might even be good for us! The Saudis are boycotting American goods. We should return the favor. An interesting thought is to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from and which major companies import Middle Eastern oil.

These companies import Middle Eastern oil:
Shell.......................... 205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco.........144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil..............130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway.. 117,740,000 barrels
Amoco..........................62,231,000 barrels
Citgo Gas comes fro m South America , from a Dictator who hates Americans.
Do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION! (Oil is now $90-$95 a barrel)

Here are some large companies that DO NOT import Middle Eastern oil:
Sunoco................ 0 barrels
Conoco................ 0 barrels
Sinclair................ 0 barrels
BP/Phillips.......... 0 barrels
Hess................... 0 barrels
ARC0................... 0 barrels
Also: Pilot, Flying J, Love's, RaceTrac, Valero

All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and each is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing.

I'm feeling very patriotic right now!


The Cooper's said...

Whew, had to make sure Flying J was on the good list since York works there! Good info to know! Thanks!

Mindy said...

Good info, Shanna.
I filled up at Chevron today--oops!
Our neighborhood gas station is a Sinclair. They'll get my business from now on.

Lou said...

I like it, for now on it's phillups

Emily and Clay said...

I almost posted this same thing! I thought it was very interesting!!!!

Natalie said...

Hmm, I got this same email from my dad, who also happens to be your uncle. Is that where your mom got it? PS Everyone, I THINK Smith's gas is BP which is on the American list. Does anyone know for sure if Smith's gas is BP?

Jessie said...

Our Smith's is Conoco - so you should be good to go.

Johnny Metropolis said...

Where does Maverick get there gas? After all it is adventures first stop!

Johnny Metropolis said...

Where does Maverick get there gas? After all it is adventures first stop!

Jer and Jealin said...

That's really interesting. I think I might post that on my blog as well. Thanks for sharing!!

Jenny said...

Thank goodness I only fill up at my neighborhood Sinclair! Good to know I am already doing something right, and didn't even know it!

I wonder where Sam's Club and places like that get their they even have Murphy's (Walmart) and Sam's Club gas stations here?

Knowledge is power baby!

Lacey said...

Shann! I want to invite you to read my blog, but I don't have an email address for you. Will you please email me at

Beau said...

This comment has nothing to do with the entry. I'm proud to be the quote on your blog. Can you appreciate the irony? I'm being quoted on my affinity towards quoting.

lydia said...

Three things:

Looks like the previous commenter was spam. Is that your first?

#2-I know that you just posted a forward, so I don't blame you for offending me. So don't be offended when I say that I think the part about giving money to people that are trying to kill you and your family is racist. Ok, now that I have that off my chest, I'll proceed.

The other day I was exiting the freeway here in Roy and I noticed I needed gas. Right there off the exit is a Sinclair and and Exxon. I immediately thought of this info and began to proceed to Sinclair. As I was filling up my tank for $3.19/gallon I looked across the street and noticed that Exxon was selling their gas for $3.14/gallon. I became furious suddenly! If we blame foreign oil for having such a large part in the looming recession, why the crap are the American oil companies charging MORE or even the same??? There seems to be much more to this than meets the eye, I'd say. I just filled my tank for $50.99 the other day, and that just blows!

Flyin' Hawaiian said...

my own 3 things:

(and btw .. this is merely informational for everyone, not trying to knock the blog Shanna, because i still like it, even if Mr. T is gone)

1. if you consider M&A's there are only 3 companies on the "good" list that actually belong there (sinclair, sunoco, and hess.) that others all import oil from saudi countries in one way or another either directly or indirectly. i've never heard of the last one and don't have any of the other 2 in newport .. so basically, i don't know how many people in the US are actually going to be able to do this (i.e. how much "terrorist" gas would we have to use in order to drive to find a non-terrorist gas station? hmmm ...

2. i don't know if it is fair to say that every saudi country supports terrorism, so if this did in fact work, wouldn't we just be hurting friends as much as foes?

3. i tend to take everything i read from a chain letter with a grain of salt (actually i just delete it, but since this was in a blog post and i can't do that, i read it), so sorry if i seem skeptical on this one. which leads me to another point: i assume that most other people do the same AND if that is the case, there is no way that forwarding this on would have anywhere near the impact required to make a difference.

anyway ... i TOO am PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! so i loved that part of this post! keep the good ones coming and BRING BACK MR. T!!!

It's said...

what about smith's?